El Pony Pisador – Hufflepuff (Els Experts d’iCat fm)
Buenuuu aquesta setmana hem versionat el tema del “puff, era un drac màgic” amb trets característics del harry potter com per exemple el primer vidiojoc de plataformes 100% rises garantides ia ho veureu si no hi heu jugat mai es lo millo despres del mundial de quidditch suuuuuu
Podeu escoltar “Els Experts” cada dia de 6 a 11 del matí a iCat fm:
Well this week we have covered the song “Puff, the magic dragon” with features of Harry Potter such as the first video game platform guaranteed 100% laughs and you’ll see if you’ve never played is the best game after the quidditch worldcup suuuuuu
You can listen to “Els Experts” every day from 6 to 11 in the morning on iCat fm (though it’s in catalan):