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ANÀLISI del TRÀILER d’ANDOR 🔎 | Darth Segador

En aquest directe analitzam detalladament el tràiler d’Andor. Participants: 🔵 EdCaballer: https://bit.ly/3mPV0Pi 🟡 Star Wars en català: rel=”nofollow”>https://bit.ly/3zZwSkw 🔵 Nèstor (El Cinema de Hollywood): https://bit.ly/3qTMYX8 🟡 Mr. Fulcrum: https://bit.ly/3i1qrEX 🔵 Elena Sabidó (The Force Books): https://bit.ly/33pLJaf 🚰 Dona’m suport a L’AIXETA! https://darthsegador.aixeta.cat 🐦 TWITTER https://twitter.com/DarthSegador 📷 INSTAGRAM https://www.instagram.com/darthsegador 👾 TWITCH https://www.twitch.tv/darthsegador 📲 Grup de TELEGRAM https://t.me/LaCantinaDelsKowakians 🖥 Servidor de DISCORD https://discord.gg/U2CR3zG 🗣 What language am I speaking? Click and read about the Catalan language. https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Catalan_language #StarWars #StarWarsEnCatalà #Andor