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Estic encetant – Demo de Project Kat. O sigui que et cagues. Desenvolupat per Kaiyo i Drkie.

Videojoc de terror no recomanat per menors de 18 anys. Si us agrada aquest joc no mireu tot aquest «estic
encetant». Mireu una miqueta i si us agrada descarregueu la demo gratuïta. La localització és de jocsencat. Demo a itch.io: https://leef6010.itch.io/projectkat Encanteri: https://elrefranyer.com/ref/uni-deri-teri-cateri-mata-lamberi-biri-birom-contalas-be-que-dotze-son *CRÈDITS TXT* Project Kat – Paper Lily Prologue Credits ————- | Leef 6010 | ————- Game Designed by Kaiyo & Drkie Written by Kaiyo & Drkie Character Art by Kaiyo Pixel Art by Kaiyo Programming and Scripting by Drkie ——— | Music | ——— Unwelcome Guest by plasterbrain Anticipation by plasterbrain Claustrophobia by plasterbrain Intermission by plasterbrain A Delightful Surprise by plasterbrain 曇り空 by TAM Music Factory 狩人の鼓動 by table_1 DEATH FLOWER by Low / 松本翔太 街に揺られ by t12ya アナザープラネット by Amacha 真夜中の音楽室 by Amacha チェシャ猫の笑い by M-ART 残滓念 by かずち 違和感 by HRTa (H/MIX GALLERY) —————– | Sound Effects | —————– Sunny Day Sound by stephan Block Slide 3 by Evil Mind Entertainment カーテン シャー by G-MIYA DoorFX_03 by Zach Striefel 襖を開閉する音 by NaruIDEA サスペンスドアノック by 稿屋 隆 100円ライターの音 by Yuno Radio_Static_01 by Zach Striefel 雨の音 by Yuno ハサミで切る音 by NaruIDEA 照明のスイッチ音 by NaruIDEA 争うような物音が聞こえました by 稿屋 隆 Thunder 1 by Evil Mind Entertainment キャンセル音 (ブブ) by watson 魔法、星 by ひふみセオリー Puntuation Sound 3 (solo) by Evil Mind Entertainment セレクト音_2 by 作田京輔 musical_notify_01 by Zach Striefel 鍵を開けドアを開ける音 by Yuno 水が滴る音 by Yuno Large duffel bag drop by vintage2005 Tijeras by sbaneat GARDEN GATE by PMBROWNE Fire sound by Liam Gilchrist Splash 002 by James Abels Big Liquid Gurgle Pour Splash FF208 by martinimeniscus ん? by 稿屋 隆 ポコッ by いまたく ぷにょん_短い by もっぴーさうんど Burning Match into water by TRNGLE Adhesive sticky tape rip, long by Adam A Johnson Crickets At Night by Mike Koenig ちょっと怖いワンショット音 by Causality Sound Dying Light Bulb by Mike Koenig Knife slice, slash skin, fleshy wound, squelch of blood and guts 2 by Alan McKinney Sword swing, swipe slash body with squelch by Alan McKinney Tomb Door Open, Stone Scrape by Kinoton ZapSplat.com ——— | Fonts | ——— Noto Sans by Adobe Systems Incorporated Alegreya SC by Huerta Tipográfica Tetanus by Divide By Zero —————- | Translations | —————- Catalan Translators: JocsEnCat [https://jocsencat.blogspot.com/] Bulgarian Translators: ObstructiveDdoings7 [https://obstructiveddoings7.itch.io/] Spanish Translators: FunNoob [https://twitter.com/FunNoob32] Elprodevini [https://twitter.com/Elprodevini] French Translators: Locasaurus [https://locasaurus.carrd.co/] Fonts: Coulant by Philippe Annette Japanese Translators: Sasazaki [https://twitter.com/sasazaki_c] Fonts: Noto Sans JP by Adobe Systems Incorporated Sawarabi Mincho by Sawarabi Fonts Onryou (怨霊) by maki (ankokukoubou.com) 851手書き雑フォント by 8:51:22 pm Sanari Font by Narisa.s (alwaysnarisozai.booth.pm) Korean Translators: Chesed Kim [https://twitter.com/SilverArchmage] Saki_1128 Fonts: Noto Sans KR by Adobe Systems Incorporated Goyang (Unknown Author) Polish Translators: Tegron [https://twitter.com/Patryk50199190] MegoBari Fonts: Kingthings Trypewriter 2 by Kingthings Portuguese (Brazil) Translators: JohnGzzz [https://twitter.com/John_Gzzz] Fonts: Cheveuxdange by Peax Webdesign Portuguese (Portugal) Translators: LianaBlue [https://twitter.com/lianablue51] Russian Translators: Raz [vanil01@bk.ru] Noctus Fatum Fonts: Sehnsucht (Unknown Author) Thai Translators: ModSubThai [https://www.facebook.com/gamesubthai/] Fonts: Noto Sans Thai by Adobe Systems Incorporated 2006_iannnnnPDA (Unknown Author) LayijiMahaniyom_Bao (Unknown Author) Turkish Translators: BlueSoul Çeviri Ekibi [https://bluesoulceviriekibi.net/oyun/project-kat-turkce-yama/] Ukrainian Translators: banan_ivan [https://steamcommunity.com/id/vichislu_po_ip/] Fonts: Sehnsucht (Unknown Author) Vietnamese Translators: Meigyoku Thmn [https://github.com/Meigyoku-Thmn] Fonts: Tetanus by Divide By Zero – Modified Chinese (Simplified) Translators: Ivy Wang [https://twitter.com/IvyWang0928] Fonts: Noto Sans SC by Adobe Systems Incorporated Source Han Sans CN by Adobe Systems Incorporated Chinese (Traditional) Translators: nh60211as [https://github.com/nh60211as] Fonts: Noto Sans TC by Adobe Systems Incorporated Onryou (怨霊) by maki (ankokukoubou.com) – Modified —————– | Other Credits | —————– UI Co-Designed with Hogwash Keyboard and Controller prompts by Nicolae Berbece/Xelu from Those Awesome Guys – minor edits by us. Created with Godot Engine So del videojoc: 00:00:00 Introducció més preparada: 00:00:26 Introducció no tan preparada: 00:03:19 Lectura crèdits txt: 00:05:43 Continua la introducció: 00:12:51 Pateixo el videojoc: 00:17:44 Crèdits del final de la demo: 01:39:02 Reflexió: 01:40:27 Acomiadament: 01:45:14